Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Welcome to my World!

Here I will hopefully help to spread news and information about my favorite obsessions! Bollywood and Knitting!
I have been enjoying and studying Hindi films for about 6 years--I had a minor introduction during a Turner Classic Movie "Summer of Bollywood" series where they aired 'modern classics'. My son introduced me to a young lady, who would soon become my goddaughter, who got me further into Bollywood. I have since acquired a large collection of movies, scholarly and popular books on Bollywood and a large list of reviews I have posted on Netflix. I, in my eternal geekdom, have also listed the movies I own and reviewed.
So, with the help of my talented child, I will hopefully be putting reviews, information, news about upcoming films, and other information and links on this site for all who wish to further their knowledge of Bollywood!
Come, enjoy knitting and Bollywood with me--I hope to make it fun for all!

1 comment:

  1. I'm only a nice young lady...? I thought I was ur godchild? see...had to set it off with some non-professionalism...;)
